Automate Creating and Updating SCCM WinPE Image With Powershell

Many of us who work with SCCM still need to create and update boot images with the latest drivers and maybe add some scripts and tools to the root of the boot image to use before starting the task sequence. Well, a couple of years ago at my job, we had to update the boot image frequently, so I had to automate the process so that everyone on the team could do it. Instead of sitting down and following a guide with DISM and spending a solid two hours, you can just click F5 and voilà, your image is created.

In my case, we also needed the Active Directory PowerShell module installed in the WinPE environment because we needed to run some commands and get some information from the Active Directory. So, you need to have the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 (RSAT) installed.

To get this working, you will need a couple of things in place before your script works. Let’s jump into the prerequisites:

  • Windows PE add-on for Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) – you can download it from here
  • Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10 – you can download it from here
  • Folder with the following Structure (you can change the path but you need to update the script with the new path):

Now, you need to copy your WinPE drivers to the Drivers folder and any scripts you would like to have in your WinPE to the Scripts folder. In my case, I used David Dawson’s script to add the Active Directory PowerShell module to WinPE, so you need to have it in your Scripts folder.

Now it’s time for magic! Just start your PowerShell ISE (I use Visual Studio Code) as an administrator and run the script:

# Check for elevation
If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole(`
    [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
    Write-Warning "Please start the PowerShell prompt as an Administrator and re-run the script."
    Write-Warning "Aborting script..."


# Settings variables
$WinPE_BuildFolder = "C:\WinPE\WinPE_x64"
$WinPE_Architecture = "amd64"
$WinPE_MountFolder = "C:\WinPE\Mount"
$WinPE_Drivers = "C:\WinPE\Files\Drivers"
$winPE_Scripts = "C:\WinPE\Files\Scripts"

$ADK_Path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit"
$WinPE_ADK_Path = $ADK_Path + "\Windows Preinstallation Environment"
$WinPE_OCs_Path = $WinPE_ADK_Path + "\$WinPE_Architecture\WinPE_OCs"
$Sv_WinPE_OCs_Path = $WinPE_OCs_Path + "\sv-se"
$DISM_Path = $ADK_Path + "\Deployment Tools" + "\$WinPE_Architecture\DISM"
$OSCDIMG_Path = $ADK_Path + "\Deployment Tools" + "\$WinPE_Architecture\Oscdimg"

# Packages To install
$WinPEPackage = @(

$WinPEPackage_sv =  @(


# Delete existing WinPE folder (if exist)
if (Test-Path -path $WinPE_BuildFolder) {Remove-Item -Path $WinPE_BuildFolder -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop}
    Write-Warning "Error..."
    Write-Warning "An existing WIM still mounted, use DISM /Cleanup-Wim to clean up and run script again"
# Check for existing folder
if (Test-Path -path "$WinPE_BuildFolder") { Write-Warning "Folder exist, delete it"; Break}

# Copy WinPE boot image & WinPE image files.
Write-Host "Copying WinPE Files...." -ForegroundColor Green
if ( -Not (Test-Path -path "$WinPE_BuildFolder\Sources")) {New-Item "$WinPE_BuildFolder\Sources" -Type Directory | Out-Null} 
Copy-Item "$WinPE_ADK_Path\$WinPE_Architecture\en-us\winpe.wim" "$WinPE_BuildFolder\Sources\boot.wim"
Copy-Item "$WinPE_ADK_Path\$WinPE_Architecture\Media\*" "$WinPE_BuildFolder" -Recurse

# Mount the WinPE image
Write-Host "Mounting WinPE image..." -ForegroundColor Green
$WimFile = "$WinPE_BuildFolder\Sources\boot.wim"
Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $WimFile -Path $WinPE_MountFolder -Index 1 | Out-Null

#Add drivers
Write-Host "Adding drivers..." -ForegroundColor Green
Add-WindowsDriver –Path $WinPE_MountFolder -Driver $WinPE_Drivers -Recurse | Out-Null

#Add Packages
Write-Host "Adding WinPE Packages..." -ForegroundColor Green
Foreach ($Package in $WinPEPackage){
Write-Host "Importing $Package" -ForegroundColor Green
Add-WindowsPackage –Path $WinPE_MountFolder -PackagePath $WinPE_OCs_Path\$Package | Out-Null

Foreach ($Package in $WinPEPackage_sv){
Write-Host "Importing $Package" -ForegroundColor Green
Add-WindowsPackage –Path $WinPE_MountFolder -PackagePath $Sv_WinPE_OCs_Path\$Package | Out-Null

#Add DaRT to the boot image
Write-Host "Importing DaRT to boot image..." -ForegroundColor Green
expand.exe "C:\WinPE\Files\Dart\" -F:*.* $WinPE_MountFolder | Out-Null
Copy-Item "C:\WinPE\Files\Dart\DartConfig8.dat" $WinPE_MountFolder\Windows\System32\DartConfig.dat

#Set locale
Write-Host "Setting locale..." -ForegroundColor Green
Dism /Image:$WinPE_MountFolder /Set-SysLocale:sv-SE
Dism /Image:$WinPE_MountFolder /Set-UserLocale:sv-SE
Dism /Image:$WinPE_MountFolder /Set-InputLocale:sv-SE
Dism /image:$WinPE_MountFolder /Set-TimeZone:"W. Europe Standard Time"

#Add CMtrace 
Copy-Item "C:\WinPE\Files\cmtrace.exe" $WinPE_MountFolder\Windows\System32\cmtrace.exe

#Add AD PowerShell module
Set-Location -Path $winPE_Scripts
.\AddADPowerShellModule.ps1 -sourceWinDir $ENV:windir -destinationWinDir $WinPE_MountFolder | Out-Null

Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $WinPE_MountFolder -Save

You can also get the code from my Github

I’m based in Sweden, so you might notice that I added the Swedish versions of the packages and set the locale to Swedish. This is optional and you can comment it out if you like. I also added the cmtrace.exe file so I can use it to read the error logs in the WinPE environment.

I hope you find this helpful. Please comment if you face any issues.

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